Yes, I admit it.. I'm cheating AGAIN! LOL!! I didn't have time to make my own graphic this morning so I "borrowed" one from Answers In Genesis. I hope you all have a WONDERFUL WORD-filled Wednesday!
For more posts on "WFW" check out The 160 Acre Woods.
Don't feel bad! (I borrow frequently due to time constraints!) This is great! Love the visual of the Holy Spirit being the source of power. So true!
Thanks for sharing!
Tracy = )
Lol...love the cartoon and it's still very inspiring...though I tend to borrow from you when I see a "gotta fwd this in an email" cartoon that you post. LOL
Hey Tonya,
We're on the same wave length, hmmm does that make sense? Well, I cheated too.
Cartoon was precious and all I can say is your light bulb is shinning REALLY bright!!
Love you♥
This is so sweet :) And the verses are solemn reminders! Thanks for sharing. Blessed WFW!
You didn't cheat! Thanks for sharing! Have a very Blessed Day!
Don't feel bad I borrowed too this week... Be blessed by using that WFW It will bless someone dearly today. Thanks for sharing.
Nothin' wrong with borrowing! Especially from AIG! I love their cartoons!
this is a great one
have a wonderful week!
Hi, Tonya. I like the idea of God being the "Master Electrician" and bringing light to each one of us. Great choice for this week!
Happy WFW!
It's not CHEATING...it's SHARING!!!
WE ALL know where you are coming from...I've had mine in an archive for awhile....some weeks are just like that!!
MY THANKFUL THURSDAY is a "borrowed" one....feel better!!!:):):):)
hugs...great big southern ones!!
This is GREAT!
Can't wait to show my hubby!
God bless you!
I cannot make graphics. I do not have the time, or talent. :)
I just love the one that you chose this morning. It is so truthful!
I LOVE it......you always crack me up!!
Have a BLESSED day.
You are so cute! Borrowing a pic is fine with us! Love all your cartoons. That WFW reminded me of the WWF (wrestling) symbols. It made me chuckle. Hope your week is great!! Can't wait to read 100 things about you-truly!
This is awesome, I love it.
I love you post!
My dh is an electrician, I'm passing the photo along to him!
God Bless you!
~ Heather @
What's kind of funny is my husband IS a Master Electrician! He's my little sparky!!!
Yes I LOVE that cartoon! To the point exactly. Your last post was very close to my heart, and literally close to same "moments". But just like you, I too am so glad that Jesus is my strength....and yeah...this is NOT THE END!!! YAAY for that!
Have a GREAT evening!
IT's not cheating, it's great! and it spreads the word!
God Bless
I love it!!! ♥
I needed Matthew 6 today. The darkness of a situation is trying to dim my light, my joy. Thank you for sharingthis passage!
In His Graces~Pamela
Will come out and play today???
Missing you girlfriend.
I just know you have "SOMETHING" to say!!
Was thinking about you today
Hope your feeling well. I was looking for your FFF.
Love and Hugs
I didn't have time to make anything either--I should have cheated like you! :) I didn't have much blogging time this week. That picture of the Simese flower is interesting! That's exactly what I would call it.
I hope things are well in your world my friend. I just thought I would stop in and say hello!!
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Hi, Tonya. Just dropping by to say Hi. I've been thinking of you and your family sweet family and just wanted to let you know.
Have a great week!
That's OK, besides you made us laugh and with so many comments, you hit a nerve.
JUST sayin' hello!!!
Where are you? I have missed you!
Hope all is well!...and baby Allie is sooo precious.
I will check back later..
Love ya!
Love and Hugs..
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