I thought I'd let this slide show do my "talking" for me today. These are some of the "things" that I'm SO VERY THANKFUL for. Our boys (Zach & Gabe), our new niece (Allie Grace - my sis-in-law's baby), and my sister's children (Ash & Clay)
I thought since I didn't have a "new" picture of Brent, and I'm SO VERY THANKFUL for him too that I would add his here...

I hope you're all having a WONDERFUL Thursday! =-)
For more posts on this Thankful Thursday visit Iris at Sting My Heart
Tonya, God has blessed you with such a beautiful family! Each one of your boys are just as handsome as they can be (and I can certainly see traits of Brent in Zach and Gabe's faces... very special!), Ashley is beautiful, and little Allie Grace... well, she is adorable. I know she is such a precious blessing to her mommy and daddy! I love the picture of her napping on Zach's chest.
Happy Thankful Thursday!
Yes, much for which to be thankful, indeed. You are blessed with a wonderful family. It makes me feel like posting pics of my girls...my two neices who are 5 and 7. The younger one, Maya, has such precious words...On her fifth bday she so seriously said "Thank you everybody for coming to my birthday party." It was just the immediate family, gparents, etc.
I think most people who are parents would say they are most thankful for their children. Having never experienced that and do not foresee that in my future, I relish in my Savior. I allow Him to fill the holes of missing things that other people have.
I hope that was too soppy as it was meant to be positive.
I haven't been here before but I'm thankful that I've visited.
I'm so sorry for you lose I just cannot imagine. But I'm thankful for your positive outlook even though I can tell it is painful too.
May you continue to meet your Jesus in the deep places so that He can continue to raise you up and make you a blessing to others.
Hey Tonya,
Just getting in, long day and night. (email ya later...)
Now, these pictures are FANTASTIC! You are really good with the camera girlfirend.
How did you get Gabe to allow you to take those pictures? Gosh, he is just ADORABLE!
I see Brent in both of your boys, of course Gabe the most. I even seen him in Clay too.
Baby Allie looked precious all snuggled up to Zach, hmmmm, looks like the boys do great with girls!
I'm so THANKFUL for YOU today!
Thanks for sharing with us!
Have a great week & Happy TT!
Such sweet blessings, thanks for sharing.
Much to be thankful for in those photos!
I am so glad that you shared the pics of the baby! She is so adorable. Your boys are very handsome also! Great Thankful Thursday post! Hope you have a great weekend girl! God Bless~
The pictures are great!
Your boys are so handsome!
Allie is just beautiful. I bet y'all are having lots of fun with her.
Beautiful post Tonya,
I found myself smiling as I looked at all of those fun pictures. OHHH, I miss having a baby to hold (no not enough to have one, but still...). I also enjoyed the pictures of the animals. They are just like a couple of more kids, huh?
Many Blessings,
I'm thankful for my children this week too. Couldn't find any good ones of my teenage son though.
Love from Colorado,
I just love seeing pictures of a new baby. I noticed that her middle name is Grace. My sister is going to name her baby Sadie Grace.
Thanks for sharing these lovely photos. Thank God for giving you such a beautiful family.
I am always encouraged when I read your post. May God continue to bless you and family as you seek and serve Him together.
Have a blessed day!
Cute boys in hats!!! And an adorable new baby. Thanks for sharing your family. :~D
It's kind of strange that I picked your blog out of the other 80 on the TT blogroll today to read. For some reason the Lord has been making my heart very sensitive toward cancer victims, especially children lately. I think it's because I have now have a son of my own. Anyway, I have started a "cancer prayer list" to write down the names of people to pray for. There is a little girl, Ellen Newmiller age 5 (inoperable brain tumor)and another one, Holland Blohm age 11(ALL) on it. Anyway, I think your family is beautiful and it is wonderful that you are sharing your loss as a testimony to not only your very cute and handsome young man, Brent, but our Lord Jesus. I look forward to reading more.
Wonderful TT post.
Love the photos. Neat
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