This little lady is more like a daughter to me than a niece... see, my sister found out she was "expecting" quite a few months before we ever conceived. I'd wanted a baby so badly, and for whatever reason, GOD made us wait. I was heartbroken when each of my friends (one by one) was suddenly "with child." My desire to have a little one started to seem as though it would never happen. As we waited and prayed for a baby of our own, my sister (and of course her hubby) let me keep Ash and "doll her up" often. She felt as though she were my own. I can still remember her toddling around with her arms lifted up (wanting me to hold her) as she'd repeatedly say, "Nah-Na" (That's how she said, "Tonya") It was about that time that I nicknamed her "Pookie." I simply adore her!
My sister & I used to stay together ALL THE TIME (when our babes were very young) and the bond between our families grew... Yes, her children DEFINITELY feel as though they are ours!
You know me, I can't keep it "short-n-sweet" for anything. Heehee.. I wanted to share a few more pics. This is a picture of Ash "holding" her best buddy Brent. By the time this one was taken he was nearly as big as she was. (ha!) Oh, a fun fact about Kerry's kids and mine.. They were born in 94, 95, 96, 97, and 2000. YES, we kept our Mom busy those first few years.. HA!!! If you're wondering, Ash was 94, Brent 95, Clay 96, Zach 97, and Gabe 2000

and again at Brent's first birthday party. Obviously it was a costume party - don't ask me why Brent's not wearing his in this pic.. LOL!! Oh, this photo catches me doing what I do best - YACKING! HEEHEE...

I'll end with a picture of the 4 of them together.... (In order from left to right.. Clay, Gabe, Ash & Zach)

Yes, Ash is a PRECIOUS young lady - she's just as lovely on the inside as she is on the outside. I only wish I'd have been more like her at her age. She's so in love with JESUS and her heart is tender beyond words. She is a MIGHTY (little) woman before the LORD and I just LOVE her spirit!
Now, if you'd like to see more posts on this "WFW" please visit The 160 Acre Woods.
Oh Tonya,
She is just so BEAUTIFUL and yes, she's growing up, I want that "little girl" back!! (He He...)
She is so precious, and I love her spirit, so passionate about Jesus. She's had 2 very, very GODLY women to help mold her into the young lady she is today.
And her best bud Brent was such an example to her too. She will never forget the lessons she learned from him, ever...
You are so funny Tonya, I'm glad you didn't keep it "short and sweet!"
Love you♥
What a precious post! Thank you for sharing about "Ash." What a lovely girl, as you said...inside and out. Really enjoyed the other pictures, too.
Your blog is lovely. Looking forward to exploring it more fully when I have more time!
Tracy = )
What a great post. So sweet. Love the WFW today.
i know the feeling.... but its all in HIS time! glad you're all so close!
Hi, Tonya. So happy to see you back to blogging this week.
Wow... Asley is beautiful!
Your family sounds a bit like mine with all the grandbabies being born so close together. My oldest niece and nephew were born 3 months apart, then 2 years later my son and another nephew were born 12 days apart. A year later another my niece was born and then 2 years later (we did give Grammy & Papa a bit of a break here) my daughter was born. My Mom gives us a hard time about it, but she LOVES it! :)
Happy WFW! Love you!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. She is beautiful.
That is precious and I love how you couldn't keep it "short and sweet"...I think that was filled and overflowing with love and sweetness which is just right!
Beautiful pictures Tonya! The one with the scripture looks professionally done! What a blessing to have a close relationship with your sister and her children. My sister and I have never really been close and I have missed that kind of bond in my life. I loved seeing all of the pictures, so glad you shared today!
She's such a pretty girl! It's awesome that you are so close to her. The aunt/niece/nephew relationship can be so wonderful! I have four nieces and 2 nephews of my own to cherish (so far...since I have 4 siblings somewhere down the line, it will probably get harder to lavish them with attention).
I'm glad I'm not the only random one out there! I'm sorry for the hankering you have for G.S. cookies now...sometimes those are hard to come by. :)
That bird picture that you borrowed fit right in with yours! I never would have known. I too have Photoshop but have not given it enough attention. With my other responsibilities and hobbies, it takes too much time! Sigh. Maybe someday I'll be a Photoshop guru.
Well now that this comment is a novella, I'll be quiet now. Have a blessed Word-Filled Wednesday!
There is nothing sweeter than close families. That was always been my Dad's desire is for our family to be close.
She is such a beautiful girl. Love the pictures and post.
Love and cherish your family and friends. We are not promised tomorrow friends.
Thanks for sharing!
She is simply BEAUTIFUL!!!
I've missed you my friend. It's great to see you.
Your post today, truly touched my heart.
Thanks for sharing with me on my blog. I know that my parents probably read my blog but it's my heart that I wish to share and they know my heart in the matter. You are always such a great source of support and I so thankful that I found you and Brent. You've both changed me for the better. I'm glad you are back on and hope that your holidays are precious as you remember your sweet boy and that your mourning truly does turn into joy. You are a beautiful lady and one that both inspires and lifts me. Thanks for your friendship.
How beautiful! Thanks for sharing (and I love that it wasn't "short and sweet"- it's so fun to get a peek into each other's lives!)
Many blessings,
Such a beautiful tribute.
I like this post about your niece! I love to know that the people we love also love Jesus! She is a beautiful young lady! :D
I'm glad you're back online! ;)
What a WONDERFUL verse...but the story was even more amazing!!
I love reading the reason behind the posts!!!
HOW have you been girl!?
Things have been CRAZY around here....too much going on...but I'm up for air!!
You are just such a blessing to us out here in cyber space!!
love you!
What a special bond between the two of you! There is nothing greater than family huh?!
I love the pic of her and Brent...he was such a chunk, and I love nothing more than a "healthy" baby!! :)
She is so beautiful! What a special relationship you have with her!
And... we are exactly the opposite on our posts today... mine is wordless and yours is word filled - LOL! Wonder who has more to say?!
I am cracking up about your comment back on my blog... thanks for watching my back for me though!! It was me after all!
Oh Tonya,
Your niece is stunning - just beautiful!! Thanks for sharing all of those precious pictures. I loved them all.
It's funny that you mentioned Allie's clothes! I was just wondering today what to do with all of the ones she has outgrown. I was saving them for Steve & Rhonda in case they had a girl - but it's a BOY! I would love to mail a box of clothes to your Allie. I even have some stuff with her name on it! :) E-mail me your address when you have time.
Have a great week, Tonya!
all of your children are beautiful! :)
I've got 4 ones myself! (though only babies now).. Thanks for sharing all the photos and that beautiful verse done up so nice!
Hello Tonya,
It has been a while. Happy Mother's Day. I too have a sister that I am real close to. When I first had Amanda, my sister was going to graduate school. I was working as a teacher at the time. I just hated leaving my baby. It was my sister who had the idea that she would watch Amanda during the day and go to school at night. We did this for 2 years. I then got pregnant again. I couldn't leave 2 babies. So I quit working. That was when my sister got married. She then had baby number 1. I took care of baby #1 for one year. Then she had 2 more. We are all so close. It is wonderful. The cousins have all grown up together and love to be together. Your story today made me realize how important they all are to me.
Oh, I can reltate to wanting those kids and having God have us wait for His timing.
What a special bond and a special girl.
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