Third Day \ Show Me Your Glory
I caught a glimpse of Your splendor
In the corner of my eye
The most beautiful thing I've ever seen
And it was like a flash of lightning
Reflected off the sky
And I know I'll never be the same
Show me Your glory
Send down Your presence
I want to see Your face
Show me Your glory
Majesty shines about You
I can't go on without You, Lord
When I climb down the mountain
And get back to my life
I won't settle for ordinary things
I'm gonna follow You forever
And for all of my days
I won't rest 'til I see You again
Show me Your glory
Show me Your glory
I can't live without You
For more friends posting their favorite songs, check out Signs, Miracles, and Wonders.
Thanks for sharing Tonya. This is one of my favorite songs!
Father, I can't go on with out You, because I know without You I am nothing. I will follow You forever. Show me Your GLORY, make your presence known and most of all Lord Jesus, I won't rest till I see You again!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I must be really out of it, because I haven't heard that song before. But, I thought it was cool and the words were very meaningful. We can't make it without Him. I know I can't.
Thanks for sharing today Tonya! I do want to see His face - I want God to continue to show me His glory so I can share it with the world!
hmmmmm... for some reason i can't get it to work on my comp...
Hey Girlfriend,
You've posted one of my favs!! Hope you are having a great day.
Thanks for your help with, well our secret!! (He He...)
Blessings dear♥
I so want to see His face!
I just LOVE Third Day!! They are a group that can do no wrong in my book! I also just saw the pictures you posted yesterday of Allie Grace. Oh, she is so tiny and sweet! I wish they would have had photography like that when my kids were babies, I just got the old Sears shots (boring!).
Have a great weekend Tonya!
Thanks for stopping by Tonya and offering your prayers. Her situation is exactly as yours was. She actually lost the baby about three weeks ago but had no signs until this morning. She is actually in surgery as we speak.
It's so hard because your entire family starts to prepare for this child. We have so much stuff already and I know this baby would have been so loved. But we have to remember that God is in control. He is with us.
Thanks for the prayers.
That is a great song. Oh that God would show us His glory like Moses asked, you know?
This really is a great song! Third Day is such a great band!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Coming down off the mountain is a hard thing to do. I'm like Peter... I just want to build a shelter and stay there. I need to look for his glory in everything in life. Thanks for sharing this. I love this song.
Such a wonderful song. Thanks for sharing it. Blessings to you!
Love that song! Third Day is my sons favorite band! He usually goes to sleep listening to it!
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